CSC Insurance Exam answer key
आप अगर एक CSC VLE हो तो आपके लिए बड़ी खुश खबरी है अब सिर्फ RS – 1 रु में CSC Insurance Service Active कर सकते हो , साथ में जो एक छोटा सा exam होता है उस Exam का answer key भी यही पर मिलेगा , आप के Digitalseva पोर्टल में Insurance activet नही है तो लास्ट तक पढ़े और निचे दी गए विडियो भी जरुर देखे : 100% Insurance Service Active होगा | CSC Insurance Exam answer key 2020

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दखो 👇11 से 18 तक Questions And Answers
——- Questions ———–
Q.11 An insurer is bound to furnish details regarding.
Q.12. How breath of utmost Good faith occurs in a contract of insurance?
Q13 in property insurance Insurable interest must exist at the time of _______
Inception and loss both
Q .14 Generally a person seeking insurance writes a form to the insurer and applies for insurance. This form is known as ______
Q.15 In any contract if there is an offer and acceptance, what is the third condition that must be fulfilled to make it a complete contract?
Q16 A fact that influences a prudent underwriter ?s decision to accept the risk or not is known as __________
Q.17. Gautama gets his tractor insured for a sum saying that the tractor is two years old. But in an Accident, when the tractor becomes a total loss, the insurer comes to know that the said tractor was 10 years old. The insurer can reject the claim stating ______
Q18 Indemnity means a guarantee or an assurance to put the insured in the same position in which he was immediately prior to the happening of the contingency insured. That means the insurer undertakes to.
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CSC Insurance Exam answer key 2020
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