Digipay Introduction/ Digipay परिचय
digipay new version 7.1 Download CSC-SPV has collaborated with the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) to launch Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS) at all CSC locations across the country. This system is based on the demographic and biometric/iris information of an individual, which eliminates the threat of any fraud and non-genuine activity. Aadhaar will facilitate
anytime, anywhere’ authentication to its beneficiary. The purpose is to achieve interoperability between banks for Aadhaar based payment transactions. The DIGIPAY application will provide an opportunity for CSCs to earn and serve the community where there are no banking access points. VLEs can also leverage the footfall, at their Centre and play a vital role in making a cashless society as per the vision of the
Government. Digi Pay is a simple, secured, and seamless way of transacting through EKYC. digipay new version Download
Minimum requirements
1. Desktop/Laptop and Internet connectivity should be there.
2. Registered Biometric Device (Fingerprint/Iris) for authentication is required.
3. Printer to print the transaction receipts.
4. Account number linked to Aadhaar of both the customer and the VLE.
5. Valid CSC Id of the VLE
1. For Dekstop Version, the Minimum screen Resolution should be 1280 * 720 pixels
2. It is mandatory for VLE to provide transaction receipts to the customers for every
transaction performed (Success, Failure and pending)
3. If the transaction is successful VLE will take(Cash Deposit/DMT)/give(Cash
Withdrawal) money to/from the customer
4. If the transaction is pending/failure, VLE neither take(Cash Deposit/DMT)/give(Cash
Withdrawal) money to/from the customer
Installation Procedure
A) giPay new version setup 6.0 ver from https://digipay.csccloud.in/ by clicking on DownloadApplication

B) Click on Digipay installer. DigiPay installer will start. Click on Next to continue after accepting the agreement

C) Click on the Next button to continue the installation

D) Select Create a Desktop Shortcut and Click on the Next button

E) Click on the Install button to complete the installation

DigiPay new version Download 7.1
Digipay | Windows v7.1 Download | Click Here |
Digipay | Windows 7.1 With Telegram | Click Here |
Mobile version 8.0 | Mobile APK V 8.0 | Click Here |
Digipay | Official Website | Click Here |
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