Economic Survey Exam Question and Answer pdf in hindi

Economic Survey Exam Question and Answer pdf in Hindi

Economic Survey Exam Question and Answer pdf in hindi
Economic Survey Exam Question and Answer pdf in hindi

CSC Economic Survey 2019 Supervisor / Enumerators EXAM स्टार्ट , जैसे की आप सभी को पता होगा  Economic Survey 2019 का काम CSC VLE करेगा जिसमे Supervisor / Enumerators को एग्जाम भी देना होगा ओभी ऑनलाइन, अगर आपको EXAM 100% पास करना है तो सभी चीज आप धयान से पढ़े | यहाँ पर आपको EXAM में जितना भी  QUESTION / ANSWER आने वाला है सभी मिलेगा |

NOT : –  यहाँ पर आपको 15 QUESTION / ANSWER मिलेगा निचे दिए गये विडियो में 45 QUESTION / ANSWER मिल जायेगा | EXAM में टोटल 60 QUESTION अनेवला है | जो की आपको इस ब्लॉग और विडियो में सभी मिलजाता है | Q & A दोनों

Online Exam Link Click Hare 
1, आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण कौन करेगा | Who will do Economic Survey
A, Enumerator / 

2, मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपके पास Android का कौन सा संस्करण होना चाहिए | Which version of Android must you have for yourself to download a mobile application
A, Android 5.0. v

3, When was the first census of economic conducted in India. | भारत में पहली आर्थिक जनगणना कब हुई थी।
A, 1977

4, आलोचनात्मक सोच, अनुनय, निगरानी प्रेरक कौशल का एक हिस्सा है | Critical thinking ,persuasion, Monitoring is a part of Motivational Skill
A, True / सही 

5, कृषि प्रतिष्ठान क्या है | What is an Agricultural Establishment
A, कृषि वस्तुओं का उत्पादन | Production of agricultural Goods

6, सहानुभूति क्या है | What is Empathy
A, Ability to understand or share feelings or attitudes of others / भावनाओं को समझने या साझा करने की क्षमता

7, जो आर्थिक जनगणना में नागरिकों से आर्थिक जानकारी एकत्र करेंगे। | Who will collect the economic information from citizens in economic census.
A, गणकों / Enumerators

8, हाल की आर्थिक जनगणना में, किस आर्थिक इकाई को कवर नहीं किया गया था? । | In the recent economic census, which economic unit was not covered | 
A, Agriculture / कृषि

9, मात्रात्मक डेटा में तथ्य और आंकड़े और संख्याएं शामिल होती हैं | Quantitative data involves facts and figures and numbers
A, False / गलत

10, _________ सुनने का पहला चरण है।  _________ is the first step of listening.
A, Hearing / श्रवण

11, UFS ब्लॉक कहां बनाए गए हैं __________ | Where are UFS blocks created __________
A, Urban / शहरी

12, एन्यूमरेशन ब्लॉक क्या है | What is Enumeration Block
A, Smallest unit of distribution of Urban & Rural area / शहरी और ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के वितरण की सबसे छोटी इकाई

Supervisor / Enumerators Exam Online Link Click Here

13, भौगोलिक क्षेत्र के लिए आपको कौन सी मूलभूत जानकारी भरने की आवश्यकता है | What are the basic information you need to fill for geographical area
A, Except for Pin Code & UFS Block – all data will be pre-filled / पिन कोड और UFS ब्लॉक को छोड़कर – सभी डेटा पहले से भरे होंगे

14, आर्थिक गतिविधि की प्रकृति को कितने भागों में विभाजित किया गया है | The nature of economic activity is divided into how many parts
A, 1)Primary, 2)Manufacturing, 3)Electricity,Gas & Water Supply, 4)Construction, 5)Trading , 
6)Services  / 1) प्राथमिक, 2) विनिर्माण, 3) बिजली, गैस और पानी की आपूर्ति, 4) निर्माण, 5) व्यापार, 6) सेवाएं< /b>

15, जनगणना शहर 5000 व्यक्तियों से ऊपर की आबादी वाला क्षेत्र है। क्या कथन सही है | Census town is an area with population above 5000 persons. Is the statement correct
A, YES / हाँ
और 45 QUESTION / ANSWER  जानने के लिए VIDEO देखे Please पूरा देखना नही तो समझगे नही 

और भी इसी तरह की जानकारी के लिए आप मेरे इसी ब्लॉग में नजर रख सकते हो | धन्यवाद

77 thoughts on “Economic Survey Exam Question and Answer pdf in hindi

  1. 1. Introduction of Economic Census
    Q1. When was the first census of economic conducted in India
    Ans. 1977
    Q2. When was the recent economic cences conducted in India .
    Ans. 2013
    Q3. In the recent economic census, which economic unit was not covered?
    Ans. Agriculture
    Q4. Which ministry sponsored the scheme of Economic Census
    Ans. Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI)
    Q5. What is the purpose of Economic Census
    Ans. To Data collection of the economic units
    Q6. when economic census launched a scheme Economic Census and Surveys
    Ans. 1976
    Q7. Up till now How many economic Census are conducted in India
    Ans. 6
    Q8. Which area is covered in the 7th Economic Census
    Ans. All establishments & House holds
    Q9. Who will collect the economic information from citizens in economic census
    Ans. Enumerators
    Q10. Which area was covered in first economic census
    Ans. Both A & B
    2. Enumeration Process
    Q1. What is enumeration
    Ans. Both A and B
    Q2. What is an enumeration survey
    Ans. A study of every unit, everyone or everything, in a population.
    Q3. What is Post Enumeration Survey
    Ans. A survey run in the month after Census.
    Q4. What is an Enumeration Block?
    Ans. The region ie; the cities or towns which are to be covered in the survey are
    divided into small areas
    Q5. What is a Census?
    Ans. A complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection
    Q6. What is a Sample
    Ans. A term commonly used in mathematics and computer science to refer to a
    listing of all of the elements of a set
    Q7. Enum is a _________.
    Ans. A symbolic name for a set of values
    Q8. The different communication skills are
    Ans. A and B
    Q9. What is Social Perceptiveness
    Ans. Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do
    Q10. What is Empathy?
    Ans. Ability to understand or share feelings or attitudes of others
    3. Census, House Holds & Establishments
    Q1. Is House and Establishment Listing Schedule the main schedule in Economic
    Ans. Yes
    Q2. The establishment is a unit situated in a single location. Is this statement correct?
    Ans. Yes
    Q3. What is an Agricultural Establishment
    Ans. Production of Household items
    Q4. How do you define a Household
    Ans. Persons usually living together and taking meals from common kitchen
    Q5. Is a Foreign national considered as member of a household?
    Ans. No
    Q6. Are barracks of military and paramilitary forces people counted as household?
    Ans. No
    Q7. Are Under-trial prisoners in jail included in household survey?
    Ans. No

  2. Q9. Are Orphanages, Nari Niketans listed under household?
    Ans. No
    Q10. Census town is an area with population above 5000 persons. Is the statement
    Ans. Yes
    4. Soft Skill
    Q1. Which of the following forms of communication is the most basic form of
    Ans. Written Communication
    Q2. Communication is a two-way process, in which the sender sends a __________ to
    the receiver..
    Ans. Message
    Q3. Behavioral Skills have so many qualities like
    Ans. All
    Q4. Quantitative data involves facts and figures and numbers
    Ans. True
    Q5. Critical thinking ,persuasion, Monitoring is a part of Motivational Skill ?.
    Ans. True
    Q6. How to deal with Individuals and people in a group?
    Ans. All
    Q7. _________ is the first step of listening..
    Ans. Hearing
    Q8. characteristics of Social Skills are -.
    Ans. All
    Q9. A good Enumerator should posses these communication skills
    Ans. All
    Q10. Can knowledge of local language plays any role during survey?.
    Ans. Yes, without knowing local language Enumerator cannot speak to the people.
    5. Scheduled EC7.0
    Q1. Who will do Economic Survey ?.
    Ans. Enumerator
    Q2. What do we cover in Economic Census
    Ans. Economic Activity of Every Household
    Q3. Abbreviation of UFS
    Ans. Urban Frame Survey
    Q4. Where are UFS blocks created __________?.
    Ans. Urban
    Q5. If UFS Blocks are created in Urban, then what is the equivalent unit created in Rural
    area ?.
    Ans. Enumeration village
    Q6. What does IV unit mean ?
    Ans. Investigator Unit
    Q7. IV Unit is present between _____and ____?.
    Ans. betweenVillage and blocks within the Village
    Q8. What is Enumeration Block ?
    Ans. Smallest unit of distribution of Urban & Rural area
    Q9. Who is required to visits Enumeration Block ?.
    Ans. B & C both
    Q10. What is Economic Census house ?.
    Ans. Separate main entrance from road / Staircase
    6. Mobile App
    Q1. Can we do these surveys even without mobile.
    Ans. FALSE
    Q2. Which version of Android must you have for yourself to download a mobile
    Ans. Android 5.0
    Q3. Who to Identify Cencus House Number
    Ans. Auto Generated
    Q4. What are the basic information you need to fill for geographical area?
    Ans. Except for Pin Code & UFS Block – all data will be pre-filled
    Q5. How to give you the number of household in your area

  3. Ans. Auto Populated
    Q6. What are the options available in the drop down of the Ownership of Establishment
    Ans. Residential and Commercial
    Q7. Fruit seller,driving an auto-rickshaw (own), selling clothes on a bicycle, Food cart
    are the example of —————–.
    Ans. Without Fixed Structure Outside House
    Q8. Tuitions, stitching clothes at home for selling,making pickles for selling are the
    example of —————-.
    Ans. Inside House
    Q9. The nature of economic activity is divided into how many parts.
    Ans. 6
    Q10. The nature of economic activity is divided into how many parts.
    Ans. 1)Primary, 2)Manufacturing, 3)Electricity,Gas & Water Supply, 4)Construction,
    5)Trading , 6)Services

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